Canberra Metro

How do you solve a problem like Canberra Station? It’s in completely the wrong spot, and they went and built a lake and a few suburbs between the existing line and the city centre. How do we get there without resorting to a tunnel?

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The AECOM13 study has a detailed cost breakdown for various types of earthworks, a simplified version of which will be adopted for Hot Rails. First, some definitions: “Cut” is your basic excavation – there is dirt or rock in your way, and you want it not to be there. “Fill” is …

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A critique of the 2013 HSR study

The 2013 Phase 2 report into high-speed rail by AECOM took two years and 20 million dollars to complete, and it is a remarkable piece of work, comprising detailed alignment routes, costings, economic analysis and much more. It is easily the most comprehensive HSR study undertaken in this country to date. It’s a …

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