Australian urban public transport – 2024 update

In September 2014, the Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics released a fascinating report, Long-term trends in urban public transport, the core of which was a detailed reconstruction of the public transport patronage for Australia’s capital cities. It’s now been over a decade since BITRE updated this dataset, so I’ve …

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Globelink, five years on

“Globelink” was a late-2010s proposal by the South Australian Liberal Party to modernise the state’s supply chain through targeted infrastructure investments. The ambitious program aimed to integrate road, rail and air freight services at a new intermodal freight super-hub at Monarto, 50km southeast of Adelaide, relieving urban road congestion and …

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First summer results for Borealis – and what it means for Australia

September results for Amtrak’s new Borealis service between Chicago and Minneapolis/St Paul are out, representing its first full summer holiday season. Monthly patronage has taken a sharp downward drop for the first time, from 22,300 the previous month to 18,800 – almost back to the same rate from its initial …

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The longest rail platforms in Australia

Through a mixture of necessity, hope for the future, and in some cases pure accident, Australia has ended up with more than its share of long railway platforms. The story of these platforms – when, how, and most importantly why they came to be as long as they are – is the story of rail in Australia.

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Rail’s market share against air: A global review

Hot Rails presents the largest and most comprehensive survey ever made of rail’s market share against air travel, with 219 datapoints covering 133 unique city pairs across five continents. It shows rail can be a significant player even at longer travel times, becoming dominant for trips four hours or less.

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Fixing the site

It recently came to my attention that many of the older Hot Rails posts, including all of the original Sydney-Canberra concept alignment sections, were no longer loading properly, either showing just a header image and title but with otherwise blank content, or returning an error message. The bug seems to …

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Peregrine: Australia’s first, forgotten fast rail plan

In September 1975, nearly a decade before the CSIRO’s famous white paper that eventually became the Very Fast Train Joint Venture, the South Australian Railways quietly released the findings of “Project Peregrine” – a proposal to upgrade the rail corridor between Adelaide and Tailem Bend to a modern, mixed-use fast-freight …

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50 years of Overland ridership

A recent article by Cosmos Magazine contained an eye-catching statistic: in the twelve months to June 2023, The Overland carried over 23,500 passengers on its 11-hour run between Adelaide and Melbourne. This may not sound that impressive in and of itself, but it’s a big increase on the pre-pandemic low …

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